Central States Church Extension

Serving Churches in the Great Plains

As part of the IFCA International, CSCE exists for the purpose of propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the establishment of new churches and by assistance to existing churches with a view to their becoming and remaining independent fundamental churches; and to place pastors and Christian workers in fields of service in the Great Plains states: OK, KS, TX, NE, SD, and ND.


Kansas Church Extension
January 10, 1984

Name Change

Central States Church Extension
May 6, 1997


January 2024

Ministry Opportunities

outside photo of church

Grace Baptist Church

This morning we drove out to Whitewater, KS to visit Grace Baptist Church where we had the pleasure of meeting some of the friendliest people! They have asked for CSCE’s help as they search for a new pastor and we are excited to come alongside them as they prepare for their next chapter!
Andrew was given the honor this morning to share his survey of 1 Thessalonians with them and the hope we have in our growth as believers in Christ Jesus. Please keep them in your prayers as they search for potential pastoral candidates.

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Sanger Bible Church logo: tree with words

Sanger Bible Church

Sanger Bible Church, a new church plant, is a non-denominational, independent church serving Sanger, Texas and the surrounding area. Sunday Service 10:30 am.

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photo of Kiowa Church

Community Congregational Church of Kiowa

Community Congregational Church of Kiowa, Kansas was originally begun in 1886. For many years, its association was with the United Church of Christ denomination, from which it separated to become an independent church. They have aged and dwindled over the years, to where they need assistance in gaining stability and growth. They have a membership of 50, but see closer to 28 on a given Sunday. They have an active bell choir, an organist, and a beautiful church structure. The congregation is eager to learn God’s Word and are active in community programs and outings. Their need is for a pastor who can help them grow in the Word and give them the foundation on which to grow in the community. They do have a parsonage that is currently being rented.

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blue bonnets in front of the Longview sign

Longview Texas

A newly considered work that has couples praying about the possibility for a church plant in Longview, Texas.

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From the Director

Dependence: It is the state of being that calls us to wait on our Lord for all that we need. And what do we need?

Wisdom: Praise!

Praise the Lord, we have new board members in the interview process.

At CSCE we are praying for Pastors to come and help us! We have
immediate needs in:

  • Grace Baptist Church, Whitewater, KS
  • Benton, KS;
  • Zion Community Church, Wilmot, SD;
  • Sanger Bible Church, Sanger, TX
  • Future Bible church in Enid, OK

Please pray with us.

Provisions: So many needs!

Our ministry fund is very low and our work is increasing. Please pray with us for the Lord’s supply to keep the ministry of Central States Church Extension moving forward.

God Provided! Thank you for praying!

We are also praying for the Lord to provide us with $500 to cover our first year of expenses for this website.

At CSCE we are in need of support for the Courtneys and the Friends. Please pray with us that God will supply the monthly support needed.