Community Congregational Church of Kiowa, Kansas was originally begun in 1886. For many years, its association was with the United Church of Christ denomination, from which it separated to become an independent church. They have aged and dwindled over the years, to where they need assistance in gaining stability and growth. They have a membership of 50, but see closer to 28 on a given Sunday. They have an active bell choir, an organist, and a beautiful church structure. The congregation is eager to learn God’s Word and are active in community programs and outings.
Their need is for a pastor who can help them grow in the Word and give them the foundation on which to grow in the community. They do have a parsonage that is currently being rented.
Central States Observations: This congregation joined CSCE to find help for their future. They are capable of a part-time salary (with needed deputation/outside employment). Their future has good potential with a dedicated pastor. They have no active children’s ministry. Yet, they are eager to see development. The town of Kiowa, Kansas (population of 902) is anchored on its traditions of a rural, agricultural community. There are several established churches in town. The population has dwindled slightly over the years, but did not reach much over 1,500 in its history. It does have a local school and many businesses that provide for its small town.